Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Re-Memberance Day. What could actually be going on might shock you!
Hello everybody. By the end of this video, let me tell you, you are going to be shocked, really shocked. Verything will be turned upside down. I have almost all of the information in this video via a friend called Tina silver who discovered it.
Becuase what the elites back in the nineteenth centry have been able to get away with this, back in the really old days, is mind blowing. And we’re still doing the same stuff today wiethout realising what it is we are doing!
The united states celebrates memorial day. Austrlia has Anzac day and the UK celebrates rememberance day. Some rememberane day monuemtns are really weird! When I say really weirtd, let me rephrase that. I mean downright outragous in terms of what they are getting away with! Cloaking ancient ritual as war ceremony.
You see, what is rememberance day in the UK is actually literally re-membering day. Let me say that again. Re-membering. You’ll see what I mean in a moment when I talk about Osiris!
Le’ts look at this picture of Isis as a falcon hovering over the mummy of Osiris to impregnate herself on her dead husband to regenerate.
What’s going on? According to legend, Osiris married his sister, Isis and their sons are Horus/Set. Osiris is tricked into getting into an empty box, box is sealed, and floated down the Nile.
Osiris is the mythological father of the god Horus, whose conception is described in the Osiris myth (a central myth in ancient Egyptian belief). The myth describes Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set, who wanted Osiris' throne. Isis finds the body of Osiris and hides it in the reeds where it is found and dismembered by Set. Isis retrieves and joins the fragmented pieces of Osiris, but cannot retrieve the phallus, which was swallowed by a fish.
Isis fashions a golden phallus, and briefly brings Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again dies. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris' resurrection, Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the usurper Set.
She Re-members him (add a gold phallus as the original one got eaten by a fish). Osiris has been stithced back together after his dismemberment, long enough to fertizize ISIS who is the bird, and then he’s free to die again. The whole of UK stops at 11am on 11/11 for this Re-Memberance ceremony, where the Q stands at the side of the Cenotaph (empty tomb) and only when it is sunny as shown in the pics, can you see she is standing in the shadow of the phallus like monument. At exactly 11/11 the sun is in alignment with the top of the monument, the Q faces the sun (Osirus) to lay her wreath! Notice the O shape on the side she faces, symbolising Osiris.
Wars start and end on symbolic dates. Imagine the outrage and confusion if back in ww1, the elite in the UK demanded everyone turn up,
stop what they are doing to salute the pairing of Osiris and Isis once a year ! So they wrap it up/cloak it.
Is this some weird freemason ritual that we are not really aware of? What’s going on here? The other thing is they did not want to buyild a christian monument but somethintg from the ancient past, which would be a secular monument.
If anyone is in london on the day, try and get a photograph and see what is going on for yourself! The shadow passes right down Parliament St, deliberately, on the 11/11, at 11am.
This was drawn by Scott Onstott from to verify the direction of the shadow along parliamentary street and did this actually strecth to whitehall also to fertilize that symbol of femininity. The link is below and you can read up on this stuff. It’s really quite similar to the way the heelstone at stonehenge lurches its shadow into the center of the monument to fertilzie the altar stone, now underneath a collapsed sarsen, which was the only white or female stone at stonehenge.
There is a lot more. since it’s 11th hour of eleventh day of eleventh’s month, it’s a trinity of elevens. Also it’s 11 rather than 12, or 13, showing that Judas and Jesus are out of the way also, as a set was formerly 12 apostles plus one leader, hence it’s really more ressurection material.
They even say a prayer to osiris!
“Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember them." So it’s solar worship and ressurection.
The second the sun rises, is the is moment of Osiris ejaculation from the golden penis which is a shaft of sunlight. Osiris is then free to die again.
So this ritual is also about the rebirth of the monarchy, as the monarch just stands right there during the ceremony. Of course probably nobody today attending know what’s going on, or why it’s designed this way. they are just following the rituatl set in place by the ancestors. Now why should it be this way? Well from the Empir style of Napoleon until the excavation of Tut’s tomb in 1923, about the time these memorials were built, everything egyptian, egytpain mummy stories and such fancies were very popular indeed, even egyptian style architecture, but this doesn’t explain the ritual.
The actual alignment is at 11:11am on 11/11 on the sun parellel with the top of the Cenotaph so it casts the phallis shadow for the Queen to stand in (whether it is sunny or not. he important thing is the royal plays Isis, hovering in the shadow getting impregnanted by the now Re-Membered Osiris (notice the O on the site of the Cenotaph)
Hence the fertizilation of the earth mother is occuring, in this modern monuemnt.
but for sure the main one in is London
The question is WHY? What’s going on. Also the number 11, the 1, 1, 1, does this refer to the first time, the resetting and fertility? This is obviously a freemasonic ceremony of some sort, conjured up in the 19th century or earlier, as the freemasons have so much Egyptian in their ceremonies.
Well it appears that they wanted to introdce the egytpain ceremony of fertility to make the British empire as long lived as Egypt, so that it would last for thousands and thousands of years. This was the decidsion of some unknown person, higher up.
And we have shrines and cenotaphs based on the same philosophy all over the british empire, which is unbelievable!
The Melbourne Shrine, whose design was no doub tselected by freemasosns, is actually a replica of the vanished Mausuleum of Halicarnassus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. it’s really like walking around on the inside of a pyramid, which is precisely what it is. The question is why did they build this structure, to basically honour osiris?
Now this is the same in other commonwealth countries. The cenotaph in melbourne has a tomb of the unknown soldier. Is this actually, the tomb of osiris? What’s going on here?! This is really bizarre.
People were complaining and saying Melborune is going to be overshadowed by a huge tomb.
The excuse for making a pagan monument, or secular monuemtn was the many different religions and even different Christian religions who fought and died for the British Empire. At 11am on November 11 every year there is a lazer light show of sunlight, and the word ‘love’ is illuminated by the Sun. So we have the Sun God, blessing love. The thing which I think of is Newgrange in Ireland. If you actually go into Newgrange today they give you a light show to simulate what happens on midwinter. The show is ended by a stone blocking the light. It is a way of the Sun God Ra, or whatever he may have been called in Ireland, fertilizing a sacred stone. They have rebuilt that here. Our parliament house in canberra acutally looks like Irisih newgrange with a pyuramid on top.
The thing which I think of is Newgrange in Ireland. If you actually go into Newgrange today they give you a light show to simulate what happens on midwinter. The show is ended by a stone blocking the light. It is a way of the Sun God Ra, or whatever he may have been called in Ireland, fertilizing a sacred stone. They have rebuilt that here. Our parliament house in canberra acutally looks like Irisih newgrange with a pyuramid on top. Therefore our modern monument not only commemorates the end of ww1, but also the start of summer... essentially the harvest season.
Rememberance day in 11 november... is actually St Martin’s day traditionally and guess what, St Martin is a military saint! He evangelised northern gaul with much slaughter, also the scene of the incredibly fight between Germany and France. They’re not even trying to hide this! Is this supposed to be some kind of coincidence? In fact it follows Halloween, which is just people going from door to door traditaionlly offering prayers for the dead in exchange for food. In fafct the MartinMas of 11th was a time fo celebration of agricultural fertiltiy, totally in line with the osiris legend. The season is marked by orion being prominent which is also osiris.
We may also note that there are lions on BOTH sides of hte building Melbroune shrine.. having lions guarding both sides of the sun and facing opposite directions ... with teh mausoleum itself representing Ra the sun god, we have each pair of lions representing the Gods SHU and TEFNET. IT’s the same if you go into the lion gate at Mycenae in Greece. You go under a gate flanked by two lions, implying u are now entereing a spirit place associated with solar worship....because that place is guarded by two lions, or a lion on each side. Therefore they somehow did a very clever thing by using Britannia and the lions they have also achieved the effect of representing the lion guard gods of Shu and Tefnet who watch over the solar temple from left and right.
On the East and West Wall buttresses the official guide tells us this is a 'female figure on a chariot drawn by a pair of lions in triumphal procession'. The guide tells us that A small child between the lions represents the generations unborn who will be heirs to freedom. - Actually in fact, they perhaps don't want to write, or the curator is unaware that this is basically Britannia, a figurehead goddess of the British empire, and based on the ancient british godess in roman britain and earlier. The ancient britons used to fight on chariots and the legacy of that is what you see here. It is perhaps to show that the british empire will continue to endure, and the lions are led by a baby, perhaps representing apollo the baby sun or even lucifer who lights and therefore leads the way, same as at Tiwanaku. The british empire has today lost it's relevance as an empire, so they write that it represents freedom.
Why lions? The lion is a very sacred animal. I read a book by As every hunter in primitive society and even today knows is that an animal is not just for meat but a connection with another spiritual realm. For example, in Zambia, even today if the hunters see two elephants copulating they will often head home because it means that someone is sleeping with their wife. As for the lion or other animals, the first animal of any species is always the hardest to kill. After that you recquire a spiritual afinity for the animal and you can take them easier. This is because after the first kill you acquire some of their power and now the spirit is attached to the animal. When they are hunting them they exist inside a spirit world of interaction which is similar to what is depicted on cave paintings. Since it becomes attached to the animal every time you kill another you need to do a ritual to ask it not to follow you around. They say oh spirit please don't follow me! When it comes to the lion, this along with the elephant is the king of the spirit animals. If you wish to hunt one, you can only do so while happy. If you do it with a heavy heart or with an angry heart you will never encounter one. The passion of the lion is seen as a positive energy incompatible with negative feelings. The lion is therefore an animal for advancement. Britannia is not just being pulled through space, but spiritually navigating the obstacles with two spirit guides. To go through the lion gate at Mycenae is to go into another world.
The Goddess Britannia, is the link between Britain ancient Rome and Ancient Troy. Taht’s why the goddess is on the shrine. They are trying to prove a pedigree which goes back to troy and perhaps well beyond, all the way to Egypt. Firstly Britannia is the Goddess of Roman times. furthermore the Goddess comes from Turkey.
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