Friday, 17 November 2017

If YOU will employ these "THREE" types of intuition, you will be a "SUCC...

Intuition is superbly important. This video describes THREE types of intuition which are paramount in your own development! 

1) You are forced out of bed by a subconscious nagging which pulls you to a certain place. You have no clue why. You meet a friend you once knew. 

2) You are forced to NOT do something. For instance skip that flight, don't get in that car. You have no idea why. The only explanation is that the brain is being repelled by a horrible future. It is wise to listen to this. 

3) You see an intuition which helps you. You see pictures and you KNOW a certain eventuality is real, because it has been already observed and measured by your mind. 

Well, with these types of intuition at your disposal, it is hoped that you can get out there and take on the world! Woohoo! 

From Charles Kos 

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