Tuesday, 12 September 2017

WOW! Ancient Legend CONFIRMS "High Tech" at Puma Punku!

Ancient Legends Reveal the Secret of Puma Punku!

If Puma Punka was built by hand tools, then how come local legend says
it was built in one day by "flying gods?" That certainly makes no sense.
Is this related to the Nazca Lines somehow?

According to local legends, ancient gods flew in and built Puma Punku in
a single 'long night', whatever that means! Then, the same gods, or
other gods, were somehow unhappy with the work. They levitated the
stones into the air and spun them over and then dropped them all, where
they still lie to this day. This was supposedly accompanied by a lot of

This does not fit the idea of people with stone hammers bashing
away at the rocks.

In Ancient Aliens Debunked, it is pointed out that ancient-mystery TV
shows fail to point out the presence of evidence nearby that this was
bashed out of rock with primitive tool, IE stone mauls and then grinders
to smooth it out. 

The 'evidence' presented is a rock which appears to
have been abandoned but used this technique. I would say this is NOT by
the same builders. Think about it. You have completed your temple, or
whatever it was supposed to have been. You are then supposed to have

A deeper look at the evidence shows that the entire site was worked over
by low-tech as well as high-tech people. 

Examples of low tech include
the low-tech inscriptions placed on the otherwise high-tech Gate of the
Sun. Look at the #Akapana_Pyramid.
(low tech sandstone blocks stacked together which may have been
quarried out of the remnant of Puma Punku). Look also at Kalasasaya
semi-subterranean Temple. It is obviously blocks which were once huge
cut up sandstone which then filled around the edges of a huge
rectangular set of standing stones similar in shape to the Rudestone
monolith in Yorkshire. Similar builders?

The whole site is a high-tech one contaminated with low-tech. 

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