Friday, 22 December 2017
50 meters below sphinx lies the HALL OF RECORDS. Dig?!
Hello everyone. On this show we are going to go far back in time, to the days before Egypt, and discuss the location and dimensions of the hall of records, when it was set up, what lies inside and the types of buildings which once existed in Egypt tens of thousands of years ago. In fact the Sphinx is not `stand alone,' but only possibly a tiny hood-ornament on the roof of the fabled Hall of records, a much larger building underneath, which is shaped like a huge cube. So stay tuned!
In fact, sadly, the hall may have been long-ago excavated and plundered. There is an inscribed stone, uncovered in the 19th-century between the sphinx paws, which tells everything. As soon as it was uncovered, the locals, bizarrely, viewed it as sacred and began to chip away bits of it, to take away and use in rituals, otherwise long forgotten. This stone is called the dream Stela.
In fact, in looking at the picture of the stela, I am guessing that the hall of records, with sphinx on top, once looked something like one of the rock-cut buildings in Ethoipia or India, a vast structure inset into the plateau, constructed back in the days the sphinx was located in the middle of a jungle, the jungle of the nile, with vast stretches of vegetation spread out across a green Egypt, where there is now only desert as far as the eye can see.
Possible links between the rock-cut churches of Ethiopia and temples of Asia, are never discussed by anybody, yet what if a common link is Egypt? What if there were once such buildings in Abundance?
The remnant of the Dream Stela was deciphered. It told an extraordinary story of an excavation of the sphinx by the king Thutmose IV, who received the sphinx's voice in a dream. The stela was set up to celebrate the excavation and the dream, connection between pharaoh and sphinx. However if we look at the stela we have to wonder just how far down the excavation went. According to the diagram, there appears to be a huge room very far under the sphinx. This was presumably all excavated in the New Kingdom.
In examining the Stela, we see that that there is a room, surrounded by huge thick walls which is about 50 to 100 meters below, if the sphinx is 20 meters high, by rough estimate. Furthermore, other details are apparent!
The sphinx seems to rest on a triple slab, each slap about 10 meters in thickness. Underneath this appears to be an immense hall, and it is also rather tall, implying the sphinx is actually an ornament on the roof of an enormous buried building! What are the slabs for? Is this a picture of a high-tech bunker? Below the three slabs are what may be represented as recessed chambers, or even a sloping ceiling, grand-gallery like. In fact, this is the closest I've seen which relates to the mysterious labyrinth, visited by Herodotus, a massive underground structure which he claimed made the Great Pyramid look like a second rate structure. That's right, the great pyramid was easily eclipsed by the Labyrinth. This has never been located. In the 19th century the archaeologist lepsius found the ruins of a minor old building and claimed it was the labyrinth, even if the labyrinth myth was nothing like what he found. People say Herodotus was a liar so he would have exaggerated and so he exaggerated the size, but if that's so when why listen to anything he says at all. The entire Heroodotus problem, with Herodotus characterised as father of lives is a huge conundrum as big as the Shakespearean authorship question. It's another myth that is going to be tackled in a future video, and is actually a great conspiracy and misunderstanding, because Herodotus' works seem to have been hacked by a later person and some locations altered, for reasons utterly unknown. Someone deliberately interfered so that little of his work that survives is the genuine article.
So what if the Giza plateau with its myriad of forbidden tunnels is the actual labyrinth, built into it, with the Giza plateau as an ancient military base for the vertical launch of whatever sort of projectiles where once deployed, and deeply inset bunkers located within.
Below the sphinx appears to be the hall itself, walls almost twenty meters wide, surrounded by pillars. Is this a depiction of the hall of records? We simply do not know what is going on here. If so then the sphinx on top is simply the guardian of the underlying structure. There were even temples built around the sphinx in later Egyptian times to celebrate what was once there.
The Giza plateau may have been raised higher and higher and higher due to endless building works over the millennia or tens of millennia. The Giza pyramids were so magnificent that it was decreed they should be preserved, with no further building works to take place.
We do not really have any pre-Old Kingdom architecture to compare This hall to, except perhaps for the buildings around the Zozer pyramid, which do not really resemble what is depicted in the extraordinary dream steal.
There is a lot more, way more! If we look closely, we see the the hall looks a lot like a Serekh, which is a hieroglyph of a palace, which contains the king's name. In later times the Serekh was replaced by a cartouche.
The Serekh is surely the origin of the word pharaoh, which means householder. The word Pharaoh can be derived from the root per, which means house or palace on its own. The serekh is an overhead map of the king's house, so the people would have pointed to the serek with the royal name and said something like 'householder Khufu'. Or Pharaoh Khufu. It seems to be the origin of the house system, employed in so many schools, by athletic teams. Note that publishers are called publishing houses, presumably because all the knowledge in book form was once stored in a possibly royal house, yet other companies are not. Here we see the hall drawn as an enormous house so we can assume it was a repository or palace of some kind.
In fact, we have also retained the Egyptian word per in the European word Palace, except for r has been swapped for l, a common substitution between languages. Putting the r in would make it Close to the word Barracks, which would therefore originally mean fortress, which itself is a similar word to serekh.
The Cartouch is a bit different, more like a loop, a city wall, or even oroubourus, or magic circle, around the king's name, which became prominent and was replacing the serekh, as Egypt slowly declined into superstition and magic from its former position of high science and unbelievable technology.
There is significantly no royal name inside the 'serek' if we can call it that, seen on the sphinx stela, for this may have derived from an era far too long ago, beyond which any names were remembered.
Examining the Thutmosis stela more closely, we can look at the interior of the hall and note that the carving indicates that the hall's ceiling seems to be decorated. There are in fact four pictures of what look like men with their hands on their hips. These might refer to the four cardinal points of the building, which may have been shaped like a kind of huge perfect cube. This hieroglyph absolutely intrigued me so I tried to look it up in the Wallace Budge dictionary. It seems to refer to the syllable wa or ua. This root seems to have a variety of ceremonial definitions but tends to mean increase. It is used in the word uah-qaaf 'he who increases his form' a title of the moon god. It should be pointed out taht UAhit means lion-headed goddess, so it could relate to this also, since New Kingdom people actually seem to have thought of the sphinx as a lion, unaware of the possible former relation to Anubis.
For some reason, people have long thought there was a hall of records inside or beneath the Sphinx, even by simple intuition. Built to flatter the vanity of ancients, aware their legacy of knowledge would travel thousands of years into the future. Yet, the story actually goes back to well before the likes of Edgar Cayce, who also mentions it, and is historic. Arab writers of the Middle Ages consistently tell us of an old legend that the Great pyramid was built in response to dire predictions from astronomers regarding the impending collapse of Egypt. It supposedly contained all the sciences of the world. This and the hall of records, could be references to one and the same thing.
Edgar Cayce, a famous American visionary, famously described a hall of records underneath the sphinx. How did Cayce perform his art? He wasn't just psychic while doing readings during those certain times of the day he was in a trance. He really did have some strange gift. One time he was about to get into the elevator and then noticed that the people inside had no auras around them. Deeply disturbed, as he was accustomed to seeing auras of different colours around people, a form of synesthesia perhaps, he chose not to step into the lift. That lift then plunged to its doom and everyone inside was killed.
Cayce, looking into the future, seems to have picked up activity around the search for Atlantis at Bimini in the 1960s and interpreted this future hyped up event in his predictions as the rise of Atlantis from the ocean. So he was right but he was also wrong. It's a fact that even the most psychic people see future events in a tangential way to how they actually turn out, and no-one is absolutely correct because it's like looking through a fog, and without any eyeballs, so we should never expect accuracy. For instance even Nostradamus seems to have referred to Hitler as Hister and predicted Napoleon not by name, which he was unable to do, but instead as 'An emperor born near Italy'.
Everyone can probably access a kind of intuition possessed by Nostradamus. We just have other words for it. Meditation, Zen, Seance, Dream, Daydreaming, Wishful thinking, reading, trance. There are so many words. Intuition appears to be simply, objects in other dimensions, which we are sensing. Intuition is simply the accessing of other dimensions through our hidden sensory network, perhaps the nine invisible dimensions which physicists mysteriously refer to, which are inaccessible to us! The brain is a quantum computer, so should be possibly capable of looking forward and backward in time, with ease. You probably don't have to be Nostradamus to do it. This leaves us the question of whether we have automatic quantum access to the hall of records, what people refer to as the Akahasic Records but is actually simply just perhaps a built in faculty of our minds we pay no attention to, as we are busy looking at our phones. There is no substitute however for the five senses, so whatever is down there, when excavated, will surely amaze us.
Here is something quite remarkable. Actually, Cayce said that there were three halls of records built throughout the world 13,000 years ago, in Egypt, Yucatan and Atlantis, prior to the destruction of the old world. Whether or not you believe in his predictions or not, and I personally am unsure where I do or don't but keep an open mind, it's strange he knew also of the younger dryas event, 13,000 years ago, associated with a catastrophic return to supposed cold temperatures, at just that time. I looked up the discovery of this event and it was first interpolated in 1916 based on pollen analysis. Cayce was well read, but just how well read, I suppose we shall never know.
Will we ever dig up the sphinx, to get at this possible underlying building? what lies inside the hall of records? If indeed the hall exists, records would have been written down by the pre-Egyptian civilisation of god kings, recorded by the likes of Manetho and others, the Turin list and other sources. This earlier civilisation knew that their demise was impending and decided to write down their highly-advanced knowledge from a previous era. Knowing of the greed of man, gold tablets may not have been used. There may be stone inscriptions inside the hall, written down in a similar means to that of the Voyager spacecraft gold tablet, as if ready to pass on knowledge to a civilisation of the far future, perhaps us, perhaps not, which possesses the insight, technology and desire to locate the hall in the first place. IF there was a supercivilization there WILL be a time capsule found, unless it has already been found during the stone ages and looted. Thutmosis might even have dug it up and substitutes its good, devices like the ark of the covenant for his own stone-age goods, so if we dig it up we might find artefacts the likes of which are found in Tut's tomb, complete with papyrus about to crumble away into dust. It is actually thought that Khufu himself desperately sought the knowledge of the founder god kings, in particular, books written by Thoth, first of the Gods. It is possible he scoured Egypt for engineering knowledge, collecting books from all sources for a great library at Heliopolis, which was demolished long before Romulus and Remus first cast their eyes upon the world and upon the seven hills where Rome would rise, and long before Homer was a boy. Khufu may also have excavated around the sphinx, locating the hall, but this is unknown.
If the pyramid was built by Khufu, its space-age ratios which indicate the diameter of earth and other measures could have been gleaned from a scrutiny of the information of the space-travelling kings of the past, explaining why stone-age builders could make such a space-age building, and yet it is built out of stone, a conundrum which perplexes so many. Stone-age people simply have no business building something like the Giza pyramids.
Khufu may have located a schematic for a structure that none of his scientists understood, and decided to honour the ancestors and his own dynasty by building it. It became known as the Giza complex, built with the same stone-shaping technology found all over Peru. Perhaps he wished to call back the ancestors, and their great world. Perhaps he didn't even know what the pyramid was for himself. Building the pyramid was the best way of actually preserving written information that they knew came from the previous humans, the gods, because it waS SOMETHING too big to ever destroy, except by a highly advanced civilisation which possessed enough scientific advancement to explore it, rather than destroy it. In other words, 5000 years have passed since its construction, and today, finally, we are capable of fulfilling a mission which began so long ago, we ourselves incorporated into its plan, by primordial forefathers who understood the world in a way that has long been forgotten.
It is to be noted that like the diagram of the room below the sphinx, the pyramid too is essentially a few rooms with immensely thick walls, clearly a kind of fortress, but from what? It is a fortress which essentially is built to survive, forever if necessary, as it will eventually resemble a natural mountain, yet protecting whatever was once inside, with the whole pyramid itself a backup plan. If you use a computer you make backups, so here the backup device, of the lost time capsule is the structure itself, containing mathematical ratios in its structure. Perhaps the chambers containing the real knowledge in the pyramid are still secret. Would a people that clever make it so easy to plunder? The answer is perhaps no. They wanted people to think it had already been plundered and was empty, but the secret still lies within. Pyramid means fire within. There remains a fire inside the pyramid, and when its secrets are finally revealed, they will ignite mankind into a new age.
In fact the later Egyptians may have inherited the idea of using the pyramid as a backup device for the resurrection rituals. They took great pains to preserve the body as well as possible as they believed it wondered outside at night, the origin of the mummy myth. In case something happened to the mummy, they built statues and pictures of the person mummified on the walls. Then their spirit could leave the eyes of the statues or pictures instead and wander around like that... backups.
If there was an ancient space-age, run by high-technology ihyperintelligent giant-sized humans, who where the human form of all the giant megafauna of the past, which all went extinct together 12,000 years ago, the time the halls were built according to Cayce, then there would have been many many more surviving texts in Khufu's day, than in our day, when the few remaining hypertechnolgiy texts only seem to come from India.
The Egyptians would have been curious about their own past when they entered Egypt, themselves composed out of a mix of different tribes arriving from different directions, north south east and west and combining, creating a new people with the earlier Egyptians.
The Egyptians perhaps inherited a land littered with ancient buildings, huge sarcophagi, possibly tens of thousands of years old, which still exist today, made with indescribable methods containing huge skeletons with skulls of ridiculously large size. There may have been ancient palaces and houses with ridiculously large and corroding metal furniture, maps of the solar system with extra planets and asteroids not even known today, and even possibly the solar systems of other stars. Into this world the Egyptians stepped after an enormous cataclysm 13,000 years ago, the likes of which today cannot be comprehended by anybody.
Of course the Egyptians had to start all over again, with the bull cult eight thousand years ago, emphasising fertility and raw natural power, and in the process of growing their own civilisation, everything of the past was quarried and melted, to build anew. But they retained the memory of at least three previous civilisations, which they called the Spriits of the Dead, who followed the Demigods, who followed the Gods themselves. Tens of thousands of years of Egyptian history represent a decline from the times of the gods, possibly synonymous with the long-skulled heads found unearthed in Peru and elsewhere, where we know stones were shaped with an unimaginable technology, in strange walls which no stonemason can replicate today.
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