Wednesday, 30 August 2017

'Cut like Butter'.... MOULDS were pressed in and geopolymer scooped out

Not a regular quarry... 
Not a quarry... moulds were pressed into this pre-Inca site and geo-polymer scooped out. 

After all this, we must ask why the sites were abandoned. Was it superweapons of some kind, which basically cooked the sites into what geologists now term 'metamorphic' rock? 

Weapons like the Pushpaka Vimana are described hurling nuclear-type missiles. A vimana is an artificially-built craft, not a description of a comet or other natural event. 

Moulding could be the way that such things are done... 

How did people even come up with the geopolymer in the first place? I believe this is further proof that the technology is one hundred thousand years old, just as today geopolymer is discovered and described thanks to the use of computer technologies...

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