Friday, 18 March 2016

The Triple god and Giza

The major claim of my book: In Search of the Origin of Pyramids, is that the three pyramids of the Giza plateau probably represent the triple Goddess. The major stumbling block however is trying to work out exactly which Goddess is being represented. What is her overall name? What are the name of the constituent gods or goddesses? We do not know the answer and I suspect the answer was not known even at the time the pyramids were being constructed. In short they were built for flexibility because there were so many varieties of triple goddess out there at the time of building!

In reading a book recently, Astrology in Ancient Mesopotamia, by Michael Beigent, I come across the knowledge that the first deities of the Semites were the Sun (Shamash), Moon (Sin) and Venus,(Ishtar)*, forming a kind of triple deity. These are the known deities at the very beginning of history. (Giza pyramids were built about 500 years (2600BC) after the beginning of history 3100 BC) This is rather insightful. In fact I was not aware of this when I made the suggestion in my book about the nature of the goddess on the Giza plateau or a parallel development in ancient Mexico: the Teotiuacan complex!

Let's have a look.

Moon and Sun

I think the ancient pyramid cult, in whatever culture it found itself, being spread throughout the world long before the fourth millennium BC, but thereafter again and again crossing over, one culture on top of another, was archaeoastronomical in outlook. A pyramid complex is a world center or an archaeoastronomical complex. The most significant astronomical ideas to evoke our wonder in this instance would be the Sun and Moon. The fact they are the same size in the sky would of course make them incredibly interesting not only to us, but also to early astronomers, as if they were two halves of a related god/goddess. It is as if the gods deliberately made the moon, as a mask, to obscure the sun, in order to either scare us, or teach us about astronomy! Occasionally Venus of course pops up next to the Sun or Moon.


Then we have the smaller component, Venus. This is the fire god, Vulcan as a morning star to the Romans. Venus has such peculiar and rapid behaviour that it was seen as two separate gods. One for morning behaviour and one for evening behaviour. In the evening it sets with Sun, but rises with Sun in the morning.


Now we are prepared to examine Giza in the context of the triple God. In looking at the structure of the plateau we see two objects of the same size, possibly Moon and Sun, and then a third object, possibly Venus. Again I am assuming flexibility here in the ancient interpretation or building design of this huge mega-monument to the triple goddess. Venus here would be the fire god, the third and smallest pyramid. It is hardly a Venus colour, the Menkaura pyramid was intended to be a pink or red granite, (fire god?) but this was never completed! I think Giza was the final great monument to the Triple deity to be found in the western hemisphere.

 In looking at the Giza complex, we may see three aspects of the triple goddess, moon, sun and Venus. Of course the Egyptians were flexible. There was never just one interpretation of the triple deity! Egypt herself had several, even overlapping interpretations! A sense of this overlap is given by the fact of the existence of three Queens pyramids next to the Mycerinus pyramid, and also three queens pyramids next to the Khufu pyramid, more Triple goddesses! The Khufu pyramid was also intended as a sort of model of Earth, RE the incorporation of Earth's polar radius. I cover related ratios for the Khafre pyramid in my book.

There were many different triple deities during Old Egyptian times.  The Goddess was far far older than Egypt and accords with an ideology and pattern which pre-dates Egypt, a pattern people who have said: 'Giza belongs at the end, not the beginning', have sought for millennia!


If we look to the Teotihuacan complex, we see much the same pattern. It tells us that the Giza/Teotihuacan cult are similar not because of trans-Atlantic travel during Egyptian times, as suggested by Heyerdahl, but rather because both are older cults than their surviving components. 



There are three pyramids at Teotihuacan, Moon, Sun, and Feathered Serpent, possibly a later manifestation of the Fire God Venus? 

In the figure above, we are looking at something quite similar to Giza. Of course this implies that both are relics of a cult which is far older. It also puts the current estimate of the age of Teotihuacan, being the first centuries AD, at far too recent for the actual initial construction of these monuments. Older layers may reveal an earlier dating pattern.


If you would like to read more about some of my ideas regarding all this, please have a look at my book, In Search of the Origin of Pyramids and the Lost Gods of Giza, available cheaply in Kindle edition. It is also available in paperback edition for those who wish to make notes. I guarantee you will see info linking Giza with the worldwide pyramid religion, found no-where else.



* It just occurs to me that the word for moon, Sin, may have been transferred to the word 'Sun' by Phoenecian tin traders, trading with Germans in ancient times. The link is the moon was an early monotheism, transferred to solar monotheism.

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