Hello everybody. On this show we are going to talk about the hypothesised pole shift, 13,000 years ago, and in a follow up video, which will be part 2, unveil a whole new mechanism fro the ancient polar shifts, which we feel explains the reason mammoths are today being dug up in frozen Siberia. Quite simply the earth changed size. We feel this can account for Ancient-Egyptian calendars which switched from 360 to 365 days and global catastrophe that ensued. It can account for the so-called Ice Ages as well as the extinction of mammoths, and the flooding of the earth, which was remembered as the large major catastrophe which occurred after the ice age.
In fact, if we look at the distribution of ice in the previous glacial period, it was centered on Greenland and the North Atlantic. This could be, or is assumed to be because Greenland is the only real big landmass in the arctic and this is where glaciers were, but this version of why the ice age was centred on the North Atlantic is untenable when we bring the mammoths into the equation. This animal, which seems to have been a cold-climate version of the elephant, lived in Northern Russia, yet clearly some parts of what is today, temperate Europe, were strangely uninhabitable to it! Utterly Bizarre as today these areas are tundra, which means it's a pretty stark landscape. Bear in mind also that mammoths were snap frozen by an event which happened very suddenly, with their bellies full of green food, as if their whole world was instantly turned upside down, and they are still frozen, proving it was not a cometary catastrophe, whose devastating conditions would have receded, but a conversion of their world into another environment, forever. When people start asking the right questions, usually beginning with 'I wonder why.' They will begin finding the right answers, but no-one really asks why the mammoths are still frozen when the world is warmer than the freezing times when the mammoths were grazing away, because the answer blows away everything we think we know, as is the case in every single science and even ancient history. Discoveries often begin with the words: "that's funny" and a new realisation is applied to existing information.
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